Friday, 25 June 2021

Something a bit different for next week.

With John C's plastic WSS cavalry completed and stored away I'm going to be painting some Ottomans for him next. Currently on the desk are 6 Delhi Light Horse (Ral Partha) and 12 Janissary musketeers, delightful figures again by Ral Partha and dated 1979 on the bases. The horses are done but the riders still some work to do, I really like the winged shields which are often shown as gold so I used a bronze drybrush first then picked out a few highlights with gold. They will be carrying lances once finished. 

Also more or less finished is the white coated ECW regiment, just need to finish off the basing. That is now 11 foot regiments of 27 figures so things are progressing nicely. As painting ECW infantry can be a bit repetitive painting for John alongside is perfect because there is so much variety in what he sends me. I also have another batch of Peter Pig Confederates arrived from Graham C so all in all I'm keeping busy.

Pictures show the above plus a couple of shots of the completed Strelets before they left the desk.