Thursday, 8 October 2020

Household cavalry and more Scots!

 I had painted the base of Life Guards some time ago but have now added the Royal Horse Guards. Lovely AB figures 'at rest' no doubt sitting in reserve awaiting orders. These are by way of a nod towards Waterloo for which I have plans in the future. And with the same in mind I am adding a third battalion base of Highlanders, the 79th Regiment being work in progress. Trying to capture the essence of the tartan which seems more red than the two previous units - 42nd and 92nd. 

I also got round to basing another of Steve Clays Battleground buildings in 10mm scale which seem to work perfectly with the 18mm figures. It's a DBN base and I made a little wall from MDF before adding a couple of trees with space left for a 50mm x 35mm standard base.

I have another 6 x 4 green cloth on it's way from S&A Scenics which I intend to use laid over my 5 x 3 dining table for larger DBN games as I have been finding the  card table a bit restrictive with my slightly oversize bases and ground scale. I think 5 x 3 will be a perfect size for these games with more room to manoeuvre.

79th underway, facings will of course be green.

42nd defend the farmhouse.

British Hussars back out for a check on the horse furniture.