Friday, 10 January 2020

Looking back at Bolt Action.

The one thing I regret about this blog is that I failed to set up labels so that it is relatively easy to dig up long buried posts. I was talking about Bolt Action recently with somebody who has expressed a strong interest in playing the game which led me to looking back into my early experiences with the game around early 2016. Whilst I did sell off the majority of the collection a couple of years later I did retain enough figures for two 1500 point armies, German and American, which have not seen the light of day since! I think at the time I just went completely OTT buying everything I could get my hands on as I became sucked into the Warlord Games marketing strategy, you started with a cheap plastic box set and then a whole world of wonderful metal figures and resin vehicles was opened up to you. The armies became huge, the vehicle collection grew beyond anything I would ever fit on a table and of course I then moved onto a vast Soviet army and then Berlin and the Hitler Youth and on and on it went.

A short time ago I tried to get into a Winter themed project for Tank Wars, but quickly tired of it once I tried assembling the plastic box set of Winter Soviet infantry, most of which ended up in the bin. Yesterday I unpacked what's left of the Bolt Action stuff, mostly plastic infantry and tanks, and felt that tingle of enthusiasm, enough to make me seriously think about giving it another shot with the prospect of an opponent keen to learn the game.

Don't be at all surprised if you see Late War Bolt Action battle posted soon and in the meantime here are some shots from back then featuring my OTT collection in action for those who have not seen them before.