The 40mm's remain in their travel boxes upstairs, although I hope to get a display unit for them at some point. The fact is that at the moment, much as I love them, I just don't see myself tackling the building of terrain for them and all of the disruption that would bring, they are just too big! I'll continue to paint and expand them but am now turning my attention to a completely new project that features a return to 6mm scale figures.
Rather than take this blog on yet another diversion I have decided to keep the 40mm theme going here and to start a new one for the new project where I hope that I can be more flexible and post about other things as and when I feel like doing so. So without further ado, here is the link, and if you care to take a look that would be most kind of you.
Horse, Foot and Guns - a new blog for 2020.