Saturday, 21 December 2019

A road trip.

We are slowly settling into our new home in Rochester, Kent. I finally brought the figures in from the car yesterday and can see no sign of damage, not even a broken bayonet which is pretty good going for a 1000 mile road trip from Spain, through France and across the Channel via Le Shuttle. The journey was not an experience I would wish to repeat in a hurry, we left Villalonga at 6pm Sunday and arrived in Kent around 1pm Wednesday, driving mostly by night when the roads were quiet, grabbing a couple of hours sleep here and there in the car as and when needed. We did book into one hotel in France and slept from 2pm until midnight when we got back on the road again. Needless to say this left us all feeling quite shattered, (my Son in Law was driving the 7.5 ton lorry in front of us and my eldest daughter did most of the driving of my car).

Due to a cock up on my part the anti rabies shots for Sheldon the cat and Poppy the dog had been given slightly late so the Pet Passports were invalid for another 9 days as a result of which we had to book them both into a Pet Hotel in Calais and will return to collect them on Friday 27th December. That was an interesting experience as we don't speak French save a few words, but the place was nice and surprisingly rural considering it was only 10 minutes from the Channel Tunnel terminal. It cost us an extra 450 euros for both but they will be safe there until we collect them.