Friday, 6 December 2019

'Flashing Blade' 40mm Cacadores.

Things are getting somewhat stressful, so much to do, so much to organise, so it was nice to find the Correos card in our postbox yesterday informing me that I had a parcel waiting me and it could only be the 12 Cacadore riflemen I had ordered a couple of weeks back. I can only guess that this was intended as a fuller range of 40mm figures at some point in the past, maybe sales did not live up to expectation, I don't really know, but at least we have these excellent castings to add to our Peninsular collections.

I did not really need another skirmish unit but could not resist them so I ordered 12 figures to make up my usual 2 base unit of 6 riflemen each. They are nice clean castings and fit well with sash & sabre and Perry, maybe just a tad chunkier but not by much. At £3.00 per figure they sit between S&S and Perry on the cost front. Some figures have cast on heads, others have a choice of 4 different heads including bare head and bandanna head for contrast.

With just 10 days before we leave here I'm not sure I'm in the mood for painting right now but might just undercoat a few to help take my mind off things this week. I'll be using the excellent 1979 publication pictured below by our very own 'Foy' as a uniform reference, together with selected internet images for colour guides etc. The figures seem to represent Cacadores of the post 1810 period wearing the British style shako.