While we wait with baited breath to see the first resin prints of the 40mm RHA officer, Ian sent me this 'teaser' of the first gunner figure.... I guess it has to begin somewhere! I remain fascinated by the technology that enables a model soldier sculpt to be created on a computer, Digital Sculpting certainly is the future, but the skills of traditional sculptors will not be replaced, I can see them being complimentary to each other. This is of course the early stages of the process as the basic anatomy is created and then the layers of uniform and equipment built up. This is the website of the guy who produces these wonderfully animated sculpts should you wish to see more: http://digitalsculpt.se/
We have been discussing what we might do beyond the artillery crew, I am really keen to produce some Portuguese infantry, line and Cacadores down the line, but we will focus on the RHA crew to begin with. If there are any other 40mm collectors out there who might wish to avail themselves of some RHA gun crews please let me know as Ian and I are happy to share the investment.