Tuesday, 18 June 2019

1st Foot Guards WIP and RHA resin print.

I have had these Perry Miniatures sitting in my drawer, and having used 3 to complete the previous battalion decided to go ahead and build a 24 figure unit of the 1st Foot Guards as they appeared in 1809. I find the pose quite stiff and formal with no variation other than the choice of separate heads, but for such a disciplined bunch as the Guards they will do very well. The first 8 are painted, 4 more underway and I have another 4 assembled in the drawer. They will need the command group of 2 standard bearers, officer and drummer boy, plus 4 of the flank company figures to complete this all Perry battalion. After that I'm back to Sash & Sabre for more cavalry, and a couple of guns for the RHA figures.

1st Guards at Corunna, mine will have trousers without gaiters.

Cuffs need attention with piping to upper above the buttons.
Back to Blighty!
This could just be the last battalion I get to paint in Spain as we are planning to return to the Uk around end of July, possibly for 6 months but more likely for a couple of years at least. No regrets at all, Spain is a beautiful country and the people are wonderful, the climate suits us, although August can be blisteringly hot. The bottom line is simply that we are missing our family and friends far more than we thought we would and need to get back to them. I also miss real Ale (badly) and the hobby scene.
Perry packaging: bayonets and muskets bent into a 'U' shape.

Every one arrives like this but no problem bending back into shape - the metal is extremely flexible.

Each 40mm figure arrives in it's own little black box with label, and packed with this material that I really hate!
Royal Horse Artillery crew - progress report.
Graham C sent me the first images of the 3D printed RHA officer, I'm really excited by this project and the amazing technology, and can see much potential for producing unique additions to current 40mm ranges where there are gaps, Portuguese in metal being one area. Soon as I receive a couple of the RHA officers I'll get them painted up here. Images show the resin prints and an example undercoated and inked.
Glowing green as he emerges from the 3D printer.

Three of them to begin with. Graham tells me these took 12 hours to print, but same time for just a single figure. He's going to print a couple more as Ian and I will go with resin for our gun crews. I have no idea how this works, but I am totally in awe of the technology!

Rear view, primed and inked.

Front view.