Monday, 8 May 2017

A nice surprise!

Arrived home this afternoon to find our postie had left my two copies of Travel Battle in the garage for me as he usually does if we're not in. I was quite surprised as they were only posted on Friday and I have read of a few people waiting a couple of weeks for them. I eagerly opened them up and must say I'm impressed with the contents. I wont waffle on about the various bits and bobs at this stage, just to say that I'm very keen to see what I can do with painting them. I'll spend the new few days working on them and hope to have something to show here by the weekend. The quality of the figures is most impressive in my humble opinion, and should reward a careful paint job. I'll probably start with a flat black undercoat and pick the colours out as I used to do when painting the Baccus figures a few years ago, hopefully the hands are still as steady and my eyesight has not deteriorated too much!

For inspiration I looked back at some of my old 6mm's and in particular my  '6mm Painting Guide'. There is also a '6mm Napoleonic Gallery' on my old 'War Artist' blog should anybody be interested in a peep.