I based them on 1" steel washers, although these will add 14p to the cost of each figure, but I'm planning magnetic movement/storage bases. I have found with my Bolt Action figures that getting them on and off the table can be a bit of a chore and a few have had chipped paintwork as a result of my impatience that I have needed to re touch. They got an initial heavy coat of satin varnish for protection, followed by matt coat 24 hours later as they will need to withstand a fair bit of individual handling. As usual I use Vallejo paints and varnishes throughout.
A second company of 8 figures will follow later after I have tried my hand at some French line infantry. The uniforms are predominantly grey/white so should be slightly less demanding than the Brits. I'm considering an undercoat of Vallejo 'London Grey' as an experiment for the French.
Photos not brilliant, a touch over lit I think, but the strength of the red hopefully comes through.
First company of 'hatmen' - 28mm Front Rank Figures. Large bases just for the pics, I'll be making magnetic thin trays for each unit.
Slowly working my way through the rulebook. I like the deck of cards that came with them.
Finally for now I added a touch of Nock 'leaf' flock to the completed 4Ground walls and fences, simple but effective I think?