It's been a busy couple of days, but yesterday evening I managed to spend an hour up in the hobby room putting together the first pack of newly arrived 4Ground MDF kits that I ordered a couple of weeks ago. I had not seen these products before but there is an incredible selection on the website, clearly taking lazer cut kits to a new level of creativity. I wanted some wall section for my Bolt Action set up and also ordered fences and a couple of carts looking ahead to Sharpe Practice. The quality of the kits, the packaging and instruction sheets is first class and it was a breeze to put the first pack of wall sections together. The actual wall sections are cut from 3mm mdf with exposed brickwork cut from 2mm so you do get a 3d finish where the render has fallen off exposing the bricks, very clever. Some of the brick sections are tiny but fitted perfectly, and once each pair of walls are glued together and slotted into the bases you end up with a realistic 6mm thick wall capped off with 8mm capping (see pics below). I used pegs to hold everything together while it dried, then gave the bases a quick texture to match my other terrain items. The result is very pleasing and what's more they come pre coloured and only the bases have been worked on which really speeds things up.
The images show a single pack of four 6" sections, next I have another pack with short 3" sections and includes a couple of gates and posts etc, hope to do this one this evening. I took a few pictures to illustrate the quality of the products, I can highly recommend a look at the 4Ground website and I plan to order more to dress up the table including tables and chairs for the Normandy cafe, a street piano etc plus more wagons.
I have also invested in a little more terrain for Bolt Action, narrower rural road sections and narrower matching river sections, all ready painted and textured from Small Terrain Miniature Scenery, who supplied my wider 'metalled' road sections. Finally, I went back to Simon at S&A scenics who custom made my tall trees having seen his excellent hedge sections and asked him if he could supply it at 30mm tall which he could at no extra cost so I placed an order for 4 packs which will give me no less than 12 feet of hedgerow! My own previous effort was falling to bits and not as convincing as these so I'll rescue all of the clump foliage and dump the bases.
This is Simons 'size 4' hedges, mine will be slightly taller at 30mm. |
Links below:
Small Terrain Miniature Scenery.
S&A Scenics.