Monday, 10 November 2014

More 6mm AWI units.

The first couple of continental line battalions are painted, one in hunting shirts and the other in blue coats faced red. Both are of 44 figures which I think gives a good representation of a battalion in line. The third unit is a 24 figure rifle battalion in loose order loading and firing, and no doubt trying to pick off the British officers!

These units are quick to paint for me, I can do 44 figures in a couple of short sessions plus time spent on the basing. All are of course Baccus 6mm and I have to say these are some of the best Baccus figures I have painted in terms of quality of the castings, the detail is amazing. Looking along the ranks of the line units you can see how well proportioned these tiny soldiers are, no overscale blobs here.

I added a few buildings from Timecast for good measure.

PVA glue still a bit wet on a few bases here, they will darken down once dry.