Commission work.
A few shots of some more 20mm ACW figures painted yesterday for Old John, walking wounded, two Reb gun crews plus a couple of couriers.
The 6mm 'starter armies' are just about finished and will be ready for the journey home on Monday, these add to the 8 infantry bases already painted previously. I only need to finish off the bases and add the guns before a final highlight and touch up where required. Included are the two 'HQ bases' shown below as required under the rules. Tents are of course just heavy card, painted with white glue for strength then shaded. The figures are actually 6mm Adler command, and incredibly good they are too.
February looks promising with plenty of variety - I have 3 regiments of 20mm Peninsular War British Heavy Dragoons, a 50 figure ECW unit to represent The Earl of Essex's regiment at Edgehill (the first unit of a quite large new long term commission using the same excellent 20mm TD figures that I had been painting for Tony), and something new for me, a chance to paint a Battalion of Hinton Hunt French line infantry. Of course I'll continue to paint for Old John too. All in all an exciting months painting lay ahead. I seem to be becoming something of a 20mm specialist now!