I was left feeling well satisfied by the game, a good balanced scenario that I will replay with my figures once ready, to see if I can force a Russian victory by changing tactics. The second scenario is Golymin 1806 and I might play this one over the weekend possibly.
Commission work.
Painted more 20mm ACW's for Old John, these are lovely 'Musket Miniatures' pewter castings and would match well with plastic ACW's I should say as they are anatomically similar. There are very few if any creases in the trousers for example and highlighting is used to represent this a little here and there. I have more to do yet, Reb gunners, walking wounded and a couple of mounted couriers for tomorrow. Today I'm focusing on flagging up and basing the 6mm ACW's I completed last week. I have a little trick for making the addition of flags to 6mm figures much easier and less fiddly so I'll try and get a couple of pics and describe it later if I can.
For next week I have 3 units of 20mm Peninsular Heavy Dragoons to paint for Tony, again fine figures with loads of character. In the box was this wonderful old Hinchliffe box, the like of which I have not seen for probably 25 years and it gave me a real nostalgia trip to hold one of them again, recalling the early trips to Eltham Models in SE London who were the first place I saw Hinchliffe Napoleonics on display, probably late seventies.
The box contains two early Spanish Napoleonics for a 'white uniform' sample paint. There are several ways of painting white uniforms and often it's hard to make them look convincing, but I have a method that I hope will give good results - more later.
Blog title.
I'm still faffing about with the title, I think 'Figure painting' rather than Napoleonic more accurately reflects what it's about now, but with a strong emphasis on the Napoleonic period as I continue to build up my 15mm Essex figures to replace the blocks.