Not much to report on the gaming front this week, I have been mostly focused on my commission work and have also added a second battalion of the 15th French line Regiment, resplendent in their white uniforms with black facings that they are recorded as having worn into Spain.
When I re-based my 6mm armies recently for the C&C hex grid I decided to change over to the Baccus basing system and I'm really pleased with the results. The 'sand' is much finer than the previously use fine grit, and the static grass is short strand, more in keeping with the scale. What I like best is the 'foundation wash' that covers so well over the dry sand, it's ink like consistency flowing into all the areas of the figure bases. You also get a pot each of 'base coat' and 'top coat' should you wish to further highlight the washed bases, but my preference is for the contrast between the brown and the grass. I'd recommend the kit to anybody doing a lot of 6mm basing.
Due to a slight cock up at Baccus HQ I am still waiting for the arrival of the Russian order! However, a chat with Igor was followed by a very apologetic call from Peter and things are now in hand. These things happen and I'm just looking forward to getting my hands on them shortly. Baccus have released the first images of the new French Napoleonic 'greens' and the detail looks amazing, I'm sure the final castings will be great and in keeping with the quality of the more recent ranges such as the redesigned British and the Russians.
Commission painting progress.
Have completed the latest two Regiments of ECW horse for Tony's collection, here's a few snaps of them before they get ready to head off home. I really enjoy painting these 20mm castings now. I try to inject a little variation into the units with the odd sleeveless buff coat and touch of bright armour (for the Royalist units). I'm now working on finishing off 40 strips of 6mm Scutarri before I move back to some lovely old 20mm castings for 'Old John's' collection. For April I have a 500 figure 10mm AWI British army to paint, and anybody who has seen pictures of the Pendraken AWI range will know just how good they are. I also have some 6mm WoR cavalry in hand, so all in all I'm keeping busy.
Few pictures below.