Tuesday, 18 March 2025

2nd Nassau Regt. 3D prints and the first 'Genestealers' !!

I'm enjoying seeing my YouTube channel slowly growing and have just hit 902 subscribers which is not bad going for me mumbling gruffly into a phone camera! I find it a great way to feature what I paint as it turns over. Here is the latest, 3 battalions of the 2nd Nassau at Waterloo for Stephen, 3D prints which are a perfect match for the Warlord Epic range and fill in some of the gaps. It's funny to think back maybe a decade or so when printing ones own armies would have been something of a wargamers dream! These are really nice prints, some of the best I have seen and pretty robust too. 

For David Crook I am just starting on the old GW Genestealers and what an interesting paint job they are going to be! I must say I love 'em having never painted anything like them before. We have now established the basic colours so I will work through the batch of 24 before finally going back for final detailing, especially the heads and faces etc in order to keep the finish consistent across all 24 of them, useful when working in batches of just 4 figures at a time.

The colour scheme for reference so far is:

  • A base coat/primer of white ( this is a major departure for me but wanted to use thinned paints on the main body.
  • Vallejo Gunmetal Blue with about 20% Vallejo medium thinner added for improved flow. This is a lovely blue with a slight metallic sheen and when used thinned it is akin to using one of fashionable 'Contrast' paints. I looked at the contrast range but could not find a colour like this one.
  • A thin wash of Vallejo Blue Ink Wash then tones everything down slightly and adds shade where it runs into the gaps of the body.
  • Vallejo Violet is then used 'neat' for the head and hands etc and to paint in the body parts that you can see inside the outer body which is then thinned with Ivory to achieve the highlights to the skull etc. 
  • Claws painted with Ivory plus a touch of Buff and then Sepia washed around the cuticles. 
  • Tongue painted Cavalry Brown, teeth Ivory with sepia wash.
  • Base treated with Vallejo Earth texture, edges matt back, texture will be inked and highlighted though entire batch at the end.

And finally. having just finished another 2 regiments of Streltsy (plastic 1/72nd by Strelets I think?) for good Old John I am about to begin the 18mm AB Peninsular Napoleonic commission for Mark, the first instalment will be spread over 2 weeks painting and I'm thoroughly looking forward to seeing what I can do with those brilliant little castings.

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