Sunday, 10 November 2024

Mahdist command base, plastic palm trees & more 7th cavalry!

I must admit that I'm rather pleased with how this little command base of two camel mounted figures turned out. I'll be painting one for the British this week along with some  Mahdist cavalry. 4 bases of Beja Warriors have been added during this past week. The plastic palm trees arrived and are wonderful, I was expecting to have to paint them up a bit but they look great as they are and at just 40p per tree represent great value. 

The Pony wars commission is now close to completion with just a few mounted and dismounted Indian US scouts left. I'll be scouting around for a couple of new customers come the New Year to sit alongside my regulars, Old John (of course), Noel and Stephen. 

Footnote: I also have plans to add more bases to my AWI armies including more Hessians and French so they are not going anywhere!