Saturday 5 October 2024

New sculpts by Andrew Stadden & British Light infantry 1777.

 I'm delighted to report that Mark - who had been out of action for some time due to a hobby related wound - has now been able to resume casting the new sculpts made by Andrew Stadden that will complete the 20mm scale  'Little Big Horn' project commission. As usual the box contains a nice card of the example figures as you see below. I have to say that the sculpts are excellent and full of character. 

So, the final box contains:

  • E Troop 7th cavalry (Grey Horse Troop) x 20 mounted.
  • Dismounted US cavalry x 60 
  • Dismounted US horse holders x 12  plus horses.
  • Mounted Indian Scouts x 5
  • Dismounted Indian Scouts x 5
  • Final additional Indians! x 8.

These will probably be painted in two monthly batches, hopefully October/November as I have a fair bit of work ongoing at the moment. Speaking of which I have just painted and delivered 4 more French Napoleonic Epic infantry battalions over the last two weeks for Stephen, each of 80 figures and am currently back on Union ACW's for Noel having finished his ECW commission.

DBN 1776 or 1777?
For my own project I'm adding more light infantry to both armies. Just painted this base of British Light's as they would have appeared probably around 1777 and the Philadelphia Campaign. By this time the British light infantry would more commonly be wearing short jackets (as opposed to cut down coats) and 'Trowsers' that fitted over the shoe in gaiter fashion. The hats are un-cocked or turned up on the left (firelock) side. I follow an excellent YouTube site called 'Chris The Redcoat' and his video dedicated to this subject is highly recommended. (below),

I also added a second base of 17th Light Dragoons but forgot to paint the bugler in a white coat, blast! Made a casualty marker base to go with them, lots of cutting and filing involved.

On the terrain front I decided to add some fencing around my areas of broken ground (poor going in DBN) and found some excellent plastic fence on eBay for the purpose, just £4.50  for 10 x 200mm lengths! I did trim off the top section to reduce the height slightly as I'm using underscale 10mm buildings, I think it all looks about right now? For game purposes these farms can accommodate two bases. These Continental light infantry are armed with the Long Hunting Rifle thus classed as 'Jagers' and based 6 per base as opposed to 8 for lights and 10 for line. These dastardly chaps had a habit of picking off British Officers at long range, they were very good shots.

The British Light Infantry jacket 1777.