Sunday, 26 May 2024

Forward the Iron Brigade!

 Well two regiments so far, the 6th and 7th Wisconsin. These are simply converted from standard Epic ACW strips and when I say simply I mean a fair amount of fiddly work was involved. The 3D printed figures ordered via eBay might still arrive, ( I received an email telling me that due to postal issues it would be at least 2 weeks before my order can be dispatched so we live in hope), and if they do they will be used to create a few early war units. In the meantime I decided to make my own based upon the wonderful recreation of the Brigade from the film Gettysburg combined with period photos that clearly show the Wisconsin boys in a mix of ill fitting sack coats and a smattering of frock coats with the famous Black Hats (1858 enlisted mans issue) looking decidedly misshapen and mostly unpinned. A few have lost their hats and wear the kepi.

The conversion.

There was a bit of cutting and separating the strips in order to remove most of the kepi heads. All of the hats were then built up using a tiny ball of green stuff worked with a cocktail stick. The frock coat fronts were added using Vallejo Plastic Putty which can be shaped when dry. The 7th Wisconsin have a converted line to command featuring 2 standard bearers and an officer with sword over his shoulder, as usual these involve careful trimming away of the rifles and replaced with heated dressmakers pins, I have done this so many times now it's a doddle! All in all I am very pleased with the results and will probably add a couple more units in time. I used a new scalpel blade for this work as usual so must add a word of caution if you are thinking of doing the same, always cut away from your fingers, clamp the figures and cut down.

The 7th Wisconsin Regiment of the 'Iron Brigade' photographed in Virginia in 1862. Note how different they appear compared to as often modelled.

1858 enlisted mans hat.


I mentioned previously that I need more cavalry for Battle Cry scenarios and as I want to begin with scenario 001 1st Bull Run I need 2 Confederate units. I have turned to Kallistra which are nominally 12mm scale but a good match and very detailed. Yes, the horses are slightly small in the hind quarters as often said but as I intend to replace the Epic plastic cavalry with Kallistra all round this will not matter. I just could not justify the cost of the Warlord cavalry when such wonderful castings are available in metal at a fraction of the cost in metal if I'm honest. I have the first five undercoated in front of me and will be attacking them with some paint after my coffee.

Edit: One hour later :)