Wednesday, 17 April 2024

More 7th Cavalry and Epic ACW's!

Another two troops of 7th US cavalry - B Troop and L Troop - have been painted for Mark bringing the total so far to four with a further two to paint plus the dismounted figures for all six troops. I have tried to add a touch more contrast to the general Blue shades with some slightly more faded shades and overall I think they work well. B Troop were mounted on Bay horses as were L Troop but Mark requested that L be mounted on Black horse for a bit of contrast. The remaining troops will ride Sorrel horses and of course the famous Grey horse troop E. In front are the mounted and dismounted versions of General George Armstrong Custer, the latter with repainted blue battle shirt piped white. There also remains a further 100 mounted Indians plus lots of civilians/cowboys etc so still a fair way to go yet.

Qualiticast 20mm's and Satin varnished.

My own Epic Battle Cry project is also coming along well with 22 infantry bases now completed of the planned 24. I'm starting to print and fix the rear unit labels now on the black strip. Also made a start on the 'top down' terrain tiles and will be printing a set of command cards this week using the printer friendly version that is available as the wording is much sharper and easier to read.

Still waiting for the printed mat to be shipped from Tinywargames as they seem to have a bit of a backlog on orders.