I'm having a lot of fun with this little project, 3mm Romans x Britons for DBA. Need 4 more bases of Warbands to finish it off and then a couple of camps for which there is lots of potential to get creative, I'm thinking a Roman marching camp and an Iceni village with round houses etc.
Added an additional chariot base with just 4 models to represent the command base, Queen Boudica is in the lead chariot with white horses and you does have flame red hair but you will probably have to take my word for that! Very pleased with the skirmisher bases as I needed them to be distinctive.
Figures are by Osmy Odzial of Poland, sold in the UK by Magister Militum.
I finally got round to replacing the shield designs on the 15mm Hoplite Mercenaries, difficult job as the Essex Miniatures shields are very dished which makes placing them on a fiddly job. I'm still not happy but they will have to do for now, they certainly add a splash of colour and both armies make a very pleasing sight. I can call them done for now at least.