Sunday, 3 January 2021

Spanish army for DBN rules, 12 points with options.

I managed to achieve my target of finishing my Spanish army for DBN before I settle down to some painting for friends from Monday. These kind of self imposed deadlines work well for me and helps keep the painting focused. In the last 7 days I have painted: 

2 bases of Spanish line infantry

1 base of Spanish Grenadiers

1 Spanish baggage base

1 base of Young Guard Voltiguers

1 base of Old Guard Chasseurs.

That's a grand total of 50 foot plus the baggage wagon and a couple of pieces to dress the base up, not bad going!

So without further ado here is the Spanish army and I plan to get them on the table soon as the opportunity presents. It comprise the following AB figures:

4 x line infantry (muskets)

2 x Militia

2 x Grenadiers

2 x Light infantry

2 x Light cavalry

2 x Heavy cavalry (dragoons)

2 x Foot artillery

1 x General.

1 x Baggage wagon.