This is a quick post on the subject of painting 18mm horses. I have been experimenting a bit recently with browns and chestnuts and think I have found a solution. Here is a base of 4 French Dragoons with the horses painted in just three basic shades, Flat Brown, Cavalry Brown and German Camouflage Orange - all Vallejo. Between the three of them I think they can produce some rather nice horse shades. The cavalry brown alone is just a bit too red for my liking, but knocked back with a bit of flat brown it makes a good base shade. Flat brown is a good basic horse shade and when mixed with the German orange provides good highlights. The muscle tone on the Blue Moon horses is pronounced enough to take the highlights.
For this project I decided to try to brighten things up a bit with stronger highlights and a heavy satin varnish. You can see how the varnish brings out the highlights.
Pre varnish, looking rather flat. |
Satin varnish applied. |
DBN base.