Sunday, 17 November 2019

Winding down but planning ahead.

The Royal Marines have landed so Andy informs me. I just now need to decide if it's worth getting them sent to Spain, as much as I'm really keen to get started on them it probably makes sense to wait now until we are back in the UK before Christmas. Chris at Sash & Sabre was kind enough to do me the standard 20 figure pack which includes command figures in this case, plus an additional 5 pack as I wanted to keep all of my units at 24 figures. As mentioned before it will a firing line battalion. I found this wonderful recruiting poster whilst researching, with the promise of 'plenty of beef pudding' and 'wine after dinner' for the new recruit.

I doubt that I will manage more than another single post between now and Christmas, but once settled I have plans to grow this collection and to fight some battles with it, hopefully against a real live opponent. Sash & sabre have just this month released the 40mm French Dragoons, I also have plans for Polish Lancers of the Guard, Vistula infantry battalion and a battalion of French converged Grenadiers. The New Year will also see the start of my planned Spanish forces using Perry figures. I also recently discovered these fine 40mm Portuguese Cacadores (click) by Flashing Blade, another must for the future.

Finally for now Ian sent me a couple of pictures of the complete 5 figure RHA crew masters. They have been resized by Graham to match the Perry/S&S ranges. I can see they just require a little clean up. As Ian intends putting them into a mould I'm going to wait and have my crews in metal now.