Here are the 42nd Foot completed by the addition of the five figure command pack. As said previously I am not a great painter of tartan! After much fussing about I settled for this 'impression' of the Black Watch kilts which I hope at least contrasts OK with the 92nd. On the subject of the 92nd I'm aware that they did not wear peaks to the caps but I was not going to start cutting them off expensive 40mm castings, I can live with them. 48 Highlander castings from Sash & Sabre plus a command base painted over the past year or so. This now completes 7 infantry battalions for the British army, plus the rifles and light infantry units.
Battalion number 8 will be the British Marines in round hats when the next order from S&S arrives in the Uk to Andy at Old Glory. Good to note that designer Chris was happy to accommodate my request for a 24 figure unit pack - the marines come as a 20 figure pack including command figures, additional castings can be purchased at extra cost, worth bearing in mind for the future.
All flags will be by GMB in due course.
Now assembling and base coating the French 12pdr to finish the battery, it's a hefty chunk of metal. I might just jump straight into the cuirassiers next as I can't help myself. they will consist of the three command figures plus five troopers, I'm sure the other two troopers in the pack will be used at a later date. I note the horses are cast without the reins which I feel will produce a neat finish using flattened wire. The horses are lovely chunky castings.
Over a year getting to this stage! |
And the RHA sculpts are coming along a treat, Ian sent me these last night. A couple of minor tweaks to do, belt plates on all shoulder belts, extending the braid further across the chest and exaggerating some shallow detail so they print sharply. I'm really pleased to see this project coming to fruition and we do plan to make the set of 5 figures available to other 40mm collectors in due course, they will fill a gap in the market.
Here's the full gun crew at this stage. Officers lace needs repainting gold.