Friday, 9 September 2016

Rounding off the French & Indian War project.

Time seems to be flying by at the moment, Dymchurch has returned to some semblance of normality with the kids back to school and it's nice to be able to walk down the High Street without being jostled by crowds of holidaymakers. It's a sign of just how busy the place has been during the Summer season that one local business 'Beach '48' has broken all records since opening, and the owner said they had sold a staggering 1.5 tons of chips over the 3 days of the Bank Holiday weekend! All the more staggering when you consider that they actually buy in quality local potatoes and chip them all themselves, no pre cut convenience products. Their fish is fresh daily, again locally sourced where possible and on several days completely sold out causing the business to close early. It certainly has a reputation for quality and is well supported, we eat there regularly, the haddock is beautiful! Brian May and Anita Dobson have been spotted eating in there on more than one occasion, they have a property on the Marsh.

Anyway, I digress. For some reason my enthusiasm for playing wargames has seen a real dip recently and I ended up packing away the Bolt Action table without even playing a single move. I'm not letting trouble me too much as I have been slowly finishing off the Sharpe Practice collection with the help of John from Kingscolours who painted me the lovely 'Last of The Mohican's' set below as a last commission for this project. It has all come together very fast and I have a collection of figures that I am extremely proud of. Last touches have been to add wagons plus the two 'Deployment Point' markers you see below. I removed the cap of a spare Grenadier and having carefully drilled it out placed it as a trophy on an Indian war club on the French base. I do intend to buy some quality flags for  both bases to replace the temporary paper ones.

At the weekend I intend to lay out all of the figures for a photo session for the blog and that will be project completed. I have some plastic Russian priests on the bench now to finish off for a fellow blogger, had them for ages. After that I finally made up my mind to begin something fresh, more of that in due course.

Last of The Mohicans character set by Warlord Games, painted by John.

The two 'Deployment Point' markers for Sharpe Practice, painted by me!

The final wagon for SP, engineers cart in mdf by Warbases and comes with resin load. Horse is a Front Rank model. Should be painted by the weekend.

And finally the plastic priests about to get a paint job for CK, long overdue!