Yesterday I completed the first of the French line infantry for Sharpe Practice FIW. Pleased with how they turned out, the Vallejo London Grey base coat worked well when drybrushed with Ivory before beginning the detail painting. I just followed the painted figures on the Front Rank website as I have not yet really done much research on the uniforms. I'll follow up with another 8 figure company of French line then treat myself to painting 8 British Grenadiers.
I'm delighted to say that John from 'Kingscolours' has agreed to help this project along, I'll be posting off 30 Woodland Indians by Front Rank today and he will paint them for me. These will make up 2 warbands, each of 12 figures plus a 'Leader' and a few spares. The FR Indians are superb castings, you can see a few examples from the Front Rank web site below.
After that, John has agreed to paint some more French infantry for me, another 24 figures to give me a further 3 companies. This will give real impetus to the project. I will paint the Canadian Militia, British light infantry, artillery and personalities that I have here.
Things are quite busy at home as we are clearing out cupboards, the garage and garden shed etc plus redecorating so my painting time is more limited for a few weeks. The hobby room is also being cleared out for a coat of paint and then the 6 x 4 table will go in there once the TSS boards arrive. It will be tight as the room is only 9 x 7 so with the table lengthwise it only leaves 18" each side plus 3' at the end, but seems managable so long as I don't put on any more weight! Storage will be under the table. There is of course the option of setting up a game downstairs. My painting space has moved downstairs to a lovely little desk left by my Mother in Law and it's very comfortable so all in all things are working out nicely.