Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Recent comments.

I have only just noticed that I have loads of unpublished comments awaiting moderation and that I have not yet replied to. Thank you to everyone who has sent comments etc, I will reply to them all individually but in the mean time your words are much appreciated and all info and links will be followed up :) Also thanks to those who emailed links and suggestions, I now have some good ideas going forward for the colonial period. Sadly, Martin at Peter Pig miniatures does not make a Zulu range (I wonder why? I must ask him), otherwise I would begin there. So I think Egypt is the place to begin as it offers much painting diversity. Meantime I'll get my head screwed back on and have removed moderation to see how it goes.

It's been another busy week that has seen little painting, but I continue to make slow progress on the 30th Foot and am currently painting the command group, which includes the lovely casting of the Guards officer in bearskin. Ian has provided a nice little tale to explain his presence in the 30th Regiment of Foot, namely that he stayed far too late at the Duchess of Richmond's ball and was unable subsequently to rejoin his own regiment. I have given him the blue facings of the Guards, which contrasts nicely with the light yellow of the 30th Foot. I won't post pics until all is completed.

As my interest in the late WW2 period continues to grow I have decided to stick with it for the near future. The more I learn the more I want to wargame the period. I have everything I need now to play through the Memoir '44 scenarios, and I'll continue to do that on my dedicated memoir blog. I'm starting with the Pegasus Bridge scenario and working through in order.

And some late news, it's been a scorcher in Dymchurch today, far too hot for a certain 'large' cat of our  acquaintance who has spent the morning asleep on a chair in the dining room. It's 'Kenco' who for some reason has turned into a somewhat overweight cat, while her litter mates both remain slim and agile. I had to grab the camera for this one. Portrait of a happy cat!