Monday, 16 February 2015

Walloon Guard & more Hinton Hunts.

This week I'm finishing off a rather splendidly uniformed battalion - The Walloon Guards. Scale is of course 20mm and these are Falcatta castings. As you can see they carry a lot of fine detail, comparable to a 28mm casting. So nice to see castings not covered in those horrid 'spiders' so typical of Perry Miniatures for example - subect of a recent thread on TMP. This unit is for Tony's Early Peninsular Spanish army and provides a nice contrast to the previously painted Deep Sky Blue and White uniforms.

Since Christmas I have become qute productive again, having made the decision to give up doing projects for myself. This will make 4 full battalions painted this year, although I must confess they were due to be delivered months ago! Still, I'm happy with my painting so far and ENJOYING it, which is the main thing.

A few pictures.

And a couple of shots of the Hinton Hunt Young Guard battalions - 32 figure units these.