Tuesday, 2 December 2014

First 6mm Hessians and looking ahead.

I guess I should begin this post by announcing the end of my 'War Artist' painting service. After over two years of mostly enjoyable painting for my very supportive friends I feel it's time to call it a day in order to focus on a couple of projects for myself. I must take this opportunity to say 'thank you' and we part on good terms. I have a couple of bits to finish off this side of Christmas hopefully. Things have slowed down gradually over the past few months and I'm now kept pretty busy at home and on non wargame related things.

The 6mm AWI armies continue to grow, now almost at 800 painted figures. Here you see the most recent units, Hessian Jagers and musketeers and the completed 'Green Mountain Boy's' riflemen. I have some hessian Grenadiers up shortly (oh those lovely metal fronted grenadier caps!), but first I must complete two planned battalions of militia. It's been a blast painting these figures I have to say.

I have also been slowly putting together a few terrain pieces using the ERM templates as bases and I'm really pleased how they are turning out. More to do, especially tree bases, in due course. All buildings are by Timecast, as are those wonderful trees.

Whatever I do now will be in 6mm scale again.

Thaks to all those who continue to follow my blog, which has taken some odd twists and turns along the journey!

6mm AWI figures by Baccus.

Hessians - jagers and Von Donop Musketeers.

Ethan Allen's 'Green Mountain Boy's'.

Terrain bases - a village/town base, heavy woods and farmsteads so far.

And a sneak preview - militia underway. I was going to trim off those bayonets but decided against it as I did not want to ruin the castings!

Finally, to get you in the spirit of the American Revolution, 'The Ballad of The Green Mountain Boy's'.