Wednesday, 20 August 2014

A bad night.

Yesterday I spent some time trying to get my thoughts down on how to adapt C&C Napoleonics for use with my AWI figures. It was a pleasant day, I got a fair bit done and was ready to set up some illustrative pics this morning. My wife and daughters are having a few days in Blackpool while I offered to stay at home and look after our dogs and cats. I was planning to finally mark up my game boards and possibly make some terrain pieces while they were away.

Last night around 10pm there was a knock on the door, the guy across the road had collapsed.  I went across and helped to get him onto his back for CPR as it was apparent that he was barely breathing. First Responder took just 4.5 minutes to arrive, followed by paramedics. They fought for forty five minutes to save him but he died. He was only 46 years old. I had seen him at 5pm, when he waved and smiled at me as he got into his car.

This morning, after a few hours sleep I was out early with the dogs, trying to fathom why or how this could happen to such a relatively young man. The sun is shining, it's a fine morning, it seems so unfair.

Today I'm thinking how lucky we all are to have what we have in life.