Monday, 17 March 2014

A quick update.

Unusually for this blog there are no pictures today, although I have plenty coming soon! Had a few days 'down time' although I have still been painting as and when. Next update will have more Essex figures including Dutch Guard Lancers, more Russian Dragoons and the first of the planned command figures.

Commission work - Just completed more 20mm ACW's for Old John mounted officers, and the last of the infantry figures from the current box ( I think we are going with more Marlburians next). Looking ahead I have more 20mm ECW's for Graham and the first two units of Spanish Napoleonic infantry for Tony, also 20mm so I have some nice work in hand.

Main reason for this post was to add a link to the excellent range of  1/56 (approx 30mm) from Crann Tara Miniatures. I understand that this is Graham's venture and he sent me some samples that I have to say are quite stunning. I'll add a link to the shop where there are some great pictures of what is clearly a superb range of figures. Once I have a few of the samples painted up I'll add the images here of the Jacobite Rebellion Scots.

Crann Tara Miniatures.

Back shortly.