Thursday, 7 November 2013

Re-basing - taking the plunge!

A quick post this one to feature a few test bases with figures removed from the individual coin bases and rebased on 50mm x 35mm unit bases. I like them a lot, even though it's going to be hours more work to do this it makes sense now to go for it and make the change. I have far more figures than I could use as individuals and I think the visual impact on the new board is much better like this. I guess they represent a small battalion or something. I'm keen to get this done now and it's distracting me from other things I should be getting on with, but after so long planning this it's great to see everything coming together finally and once it's done I intend to sit back and enjoy playing wargames again. With luck everything should be finished over the weekend. I'll have to mark losses again as I used to with the 6mm Napoleonic games, but I have an idea how I want to do that too.