Tuesday, 3 September 2013


Here are some of the first Hessian figures for my AWI C&C game. In no time at all I seem to have painted almost 200 figures for this project, AWI's are pretty fast to paint I find. As usual all are Peter Pig 'true' scale 15mm figures and packed full of character. I have more Hessian musketeers on the painting table now plus some artillery. I used Vallejo 'Gold-brown' for the coin edges as it seemed suitable for theses troops. I have also expanded my British elite troops slightly by making the Guards up to 2 x 4 fig units and adding the light companies. I have decided to keep all units at a standard 4 'blocks' but elite troops absorb (ignore) the first casualty hit while militia units are lost after 3 hits. To compensate for the size of the guards 'brigade' they are now 2 x 4 block units as said above.

On the downside I seem to have suddenly hit a low spot in my painting service. After a year of almost continuous painting of commission work I have hit a bit of a block, so I'm taking a couple of weeks away from things to see if it helps. I guess this was inevitable at some point, and hopefully if I can recharge my batteries I'll be back to work again soon, but I have decided to reduce the hours per week I spend at it. Looking back over the year I must have turned out many hundreds of figures and I can honestly say I'm pleased with all of them, but when you reach the point it becomes a chore to pick up a paintbrush it's time for a short break.