Thursday, 22 November 2012

Commands & Colors terrain board.

Those who have following this blog for some time will know that I have not been totally happy with the original game board, it just looked too 'snooker table' like, I had no issue with the hex markings, but the bare green of the board really bothered me. So bit the bullet. Over the last week I have been gradually dabbing, sticking, drybrushing and generally enjoying myself with the board stood up againt the wall like a large canvas! At one point I almost tore the damn cloth out of the frame as I thought I had completey ruined it ..... but slowly it seems to be coming together, I'm quite pleased with it so far. I still need a bit here and there, and then to do all the hill sections to match, but it's close to what I had hoped to achieve, bearing in mind that I had to 'dodge' every single hex point dot on the board .... I think I covered only 2. I really did not want to go through the hex marking again so I had to work this way and it explains the short brush strokes you see.

So now I'm happy again with the 95mm hexes! The units dont appear so far apart now for some reason. And the board can be carried downstairs if I want to play in the dining room. Its a bit heavy as I used 10mm Ply I had in the garage, to be honest its much heavier than it could have been if I'd used lighter wood. Still it's managable. I still plan to make the smaller more portable version using glued on graphics, but my printer seems to have packed up, right after I replaced the cartidges for this job.

Few pictures below, please be brutaly honest, what do you think? Too patchy? Quilt like? Any suggestions welcome. I'll do the hilles tomorrow as I'm itching to play another Commands & Colors game on the table, Vassal is good, but just not the same as playing with model soldiers.

Vistula lancers on patrol in Spain.

As it was - the 'snooker table' version.