Miserable Sunday morning here, pouring with rain and dark, what better way to spend a quiet hour than doing a bit of painting? The new kittens arrived yesterday and are settling in nicely, charging around as I paint! I knocked off a few British command figures that I needed, 2 brigade 'marker' bases and a mounted commander for my planned base of rifles which will now be coming next with more highlanders to follow.
I'm continuing to read numerous sets of rules, mostly specific 6mm rules, I have a pretty clear idea of how I want my future games to play. Polemos will be first for a test run shortly but I'm not sure how well they will work if playing solo.
Thanks again for all of the supportive comments, I have to say that I resisted a move to 6mm because I doubted my ability to paint these tiny figures to a level that I would be totally happy with. I have painted Heroics and Ros long ago (still great figures to this day), Irregular 6mm (about 15 years ago, but didnt like the casting quality), Old Glory 10mm (lack a little animation for me, but superb castings), and I studied endless images of Baccus before finally taking the plunge. I'm so glad that I did. Over the last few years I have been struggling to find something that presents a real challenge and rewards time dedicated to it. I'm now sure that this is the future scale for me.
Cheers all,