Trouble with being a bit of a 'nutter' is that things can suddenly explode in your head and you do the stupidest things. Just builds up that way, you are aware of the build up, but can't control it. A sudden 'high' after what had been a very flat couple of weeks, unable to find pleasure even in my hobby, saw me almost bouncing off the ceiling (as my wife described it), and drinking too much alcohol. It's hard to explain what happens during these up periods, but everything changes and I have to do something creative or go mad! Lots of loud music, Levellers mostly and AC/DC, but Thin Lizzy's 'Live and Dangerous' got a play through at volume among many others, I even downloaded some old 'Sicknote' favourite tunes, crazy stuff :) Anyway, upshot is me on the wagon and feeling quite silly with myself, but nicely level headed again and tackling terrain. Keep taking the medication old boy!
I guess this blog has to continue to reflect my mind shifts and moods, it's nice to be able to jot just a few words down now and then.
Right then, to move on again here are some random pics of recent stuff for FoW. I'm starting to move into Bolt Action too now, but I want to finish all of the terrain for FoW before I start painting any BA stuff.
Another mention for Tony Barr at
East Riding Miniatures who has cut most of my terrain templates and bases. Always a friendly and efficient service, Tony has cut these road templates to my requirements and will be adding them to his online shop. They are cut from 3mm MDF and consist of 60mm wide sections in straights,various curves and 'T' junctions and crossroads. As a 'kit' it contains all you need to create variations on road layouts. I simply applied a dryish mix of paint, PVA glue (to give a little flexibility), and fine stones, let it dry then edged them with a mix of flock and static grass. I used the same basic mix to base up my wheatfields and wood templates, as well as making a few sections of barbed wire. I used
THIS from S&M Stuff as a quick and easy way of doing it. I'll drill and stick some wooden supports to finish the look.
Bocage sections are about to be built up more to reflect the density and height of the Normandy hedgerows, I have another couple of packs of the tree clump foilage to add plus some merit tress that look quite good to my eye. All will be based on 3mm mdf custom cut by Tony again with rounded edges. When completed they should easily conceal a Sherman, if not a Tiger!
Can't fault the assembled product, but they take a lot of patience. 28mm Warlord plastic German infantry. |
More plastic 'Warlord' Germans in 28mm. They ARE lovely figures but I'd rather be able to buy metals. I no longer have the patience for sticking individual arms, belts, heads, weapons etc, it's a real pain. I'm aware I have been sucked into a clever marketing ploy here, with plastic kits selling at crazy prices, ( £18.00 for the StuG kit, and that was cheap as mostly it sells for over £20.00). A plastic 28mm 'multi part' figure now costing around £1.00 or more? |
More FoW ruined buildings, awaiting a paint job. |
Spend up? No, manic period, couldn't help myself! |
PLeased with these I must admit. |
View down the path through the wheat field, it offers concealment to any 15mm infantry figure behind it and in it, |
Just need to add the wooden support posts from cocktail sticks. |
S&M's lovely barbed wire, very cheap and you just roll around a pencil or whatever to suit scale. |
The 'East Riding Miniatures' 3mm MDF road set. 60mm wide for Flames of War. |
Peter Pig MG teams shown for size. |
Tigers on the move! I wanted this simple 'churned up road' look for the Normandy campaign. |
More roads, quick and easy. |
Wood templates made from the card terrain supplied in the 'Open Fire' box. Trees coming! |
German air support. |
British Typhoon air support. |