I have been busy for the last couple of weeks but this blog will be updated as soon as my new laptop power lead arrives with pictures of the two completed Spanish Peninsular battalions for Tony, plus some shots of what I have here to finish for 'Old John', loads of transport wagons, siege guns, Brady's mobile studio and the man himself holding a flash bulb. John has been incredibly patient as usual and I'll paint what remains of this box right through now. There's some great stuff in there and I'm looking forward to painting it.
On the
Flames of War front I have now completed both forces (German & British/US) to around 1600 points to choose from, and all small command bases have been painted and added to complete the structure of command. For example I now have 14 Sherman tanks broken down into 1st and 2nd IC plus 3 platoons of 4 tanks each including a 'Firefly' the upgunned 17pdr that could tear through even a Tiger's armour. All infantry platoons have support weapons available. I just need to replace two aircraft, this time more appropriate to the Normandy campaign. Next comes the first of the lovely MDF house kits designed specially for FoW with lift off roofs and floors etc.
Edit ..... just added a lovely little Brummbar to my collection, how could I resist? I'll enjoy building and painting it. Any tips/ideas for 15mm stowage most welcome, especially camo netting, oil drums and so on as my tanks could do with a lot more, cheers.
This is a stock photograph provided by the distributor. |
An unexpected surprise!
Six months or so ago I posted on the blog regarding a copy of Memoir '44 that failed to arrive. To say I was annoyed would be an understatement as the parcel had been signed for
but not by me! With postage it cost me £42.00 and after contacting both Boardgame Guru (who supplied me with the electronic signature that was not mine, excellent service every time), and Parcel Force decided to write it off as lost. So Imagine my surprise this morning when a knock at the door revealed a man from several streets away holding a large cardboard box that he said had been wrongly delivered to him! I was amazed to see it contained my copy of memoir order dated 12th January and dispatched same day. I am now the proud owner of TWO Memoir'44 sets which means I can now play the extended 'Overlord' style games with the two boards side by side. I'm going to look up Overlord but I think it uses two card decks too? Quite made my morning that did :)
Full photo update coming soon.