Tuesday, 16 February 2016

German army completed.

Here are numerous pics of my completed German Bolt Action army, plus a couple of extra tanks! The US force is almost done too, just the artillery piece and crew to paint, I'm pleased to say I won the eBay auction and the 20 plastic US infantry are on the way, painted and ready to go. These will complete 4 x 10 figure US infantry squads.

I won't waffle on, here's the most recent pics and you can see I have been trying to get a bit of paint on the house etc. The 'bocage' remains unfinished, to be honest I would replace it all with a commercial item if I could find one, but we shall see, I may spend a bit of time next week on it.

The little Panzer III came as part of a job lot of tanks, I really like the mark III and it's many variants, could not resist adding the warlord metal commander, he seriously looks the part!