Monday, 29 January 2024

Tiny Tigers #2 !

 A quick paint job on the first two. Black base coat, drybrush of 'Middlestone' (Dunkelgelb) followed by patches of Flat Earth then Olive Green, Oily Steel to edges of tracks and cabling etc. The final touch is to bring all the shades together with a wash of Vallejo Sepia wash. Don't own an airbrush so same method used for years on German late war armour. I'll grab some weathering powder on my next order from S&M Stuff (!) and maybe some blackening around the business end of the 88mm.

The build took just a few minutes per tank, the paint job maybe an hour for the two as it's my tried and trusted method. Four more to do and I'm going to order a pack of the 75mm Shermans next. 

I know, I know but I can't help myself.