Saturday, 27 January 2024

Oh, I forgot to mention!

As I still retain some interest in WW2 tank warfare from my Flames of War days I just had to see for myself just what the Victrix 1:144th/12mm models were like so a few days ago I ordered a set of the Tiger I kits and they arrived yesterday.  I wasted no time in cutting one from the sprues - a simple job as very few parts - and the result is a finely detailed little model, I am really rather taken by it. 

Difficult to describe the size so a shot against a standard Vallejo paint bottle should help. I have to say smaller than I had imagined but a perfect size for armoured battles on a small table. The kit building and painting is the bit I enjoy and I have no plans going forward other than to collect a few packs, at least at this stage, I mean how can I resist the tiny Shermans?