Sunday 30 July 2023

Indian unboxing (Pt.1) Epic Pike & Shotte, 3mm Parthians.

I had been very patient in waiting to open the large box of 'Pony Wars' Indians but yesterday having finished off the 4 regiments of ECW Epic's for Noel I found time to make a start. As mentioned previously Mark had layered the figures in sawdust packed tightly into 7 inner boxes. Box 1 was actually an A4 sheet of example figures glued to the sheet as you see below. I hope that I have managed to capture the quality of these lovely 20mm sculpts which I'm sure are by Qualiticast. In box 2 were 68 mounted Indians which included 3 Chiefs. Every figure is individually based and undercoated ready to paint which is a great boost for me, also every figure has a name label on the bottom. My wife helped me remove each figure from the sawdust and we enjoyed checking out the names. Included in the large box were several Osprey reference books that will prove very useful. Obviously this commission will feature on the blog as each monthly batch progresses, for now I think these 68 figures will be enough for the August batch. Worth noting too that Mark has asked me hold onto each monthly batch until everything is painted next year when he will collect in person which saves any concerns about shipping. I'm looking forward to the fresh challenge that painting them will present but also confident that I can deliver a good quality and authentic finish.

A few shots of the painted Warlord Epic P&S regiments. with thanks to Graham for the spare flag sheet.

And finally a couple of shots of my own 3mm Parthians, 4 bases of heavy Cataphracts and the first of what will be 8 bases of light horse archers. I wanted to try to represent the latter riding up and veering left to fire their arrows before retiring at the right still shooting!


  1. Those Qualticast Plains Indians look like really nice castings, should be great fun to paint, especially with the war paint on both horse and rider.
    Epic ECW figures look good, but musket wings half the depth of the pike block? 'nuff said.

    1. I'm going to really enjoy painting through these Rob and as you say the quality of the castings is excellent. As for the Epic Pike & Shotte I think we have to regard them as entry level figures that are clearly bringing lots of fresh blood into the period. It would of course be possible to lose the forward pointing pikes thus have the command in the front rank and add additional bases of shot so everything is 4 deep, 120 figure strong! Would only need an additional half sprue so 3 sprues for 2 BIG regiments. They are a bit odd, some very dodgy hand positions on the pikes and the muskets have been described as an accident waiting to happen :) All that said they obviously selling extremely well for Warlord.

  2. A very different project as you move from a conveyor belt of identical style strips to a much more individualised offering - a good reset for your patience and painting resilience.

  3. You’ve certainly got a lot of figures to go at Lee. Good luck.
    How will you tackle painting the Native Americans? Will you, say, paint the foot (or mounted) first and finally the remainder? Or will you paint a mixture of both foot & mounted in an effort to break up the monotony and try keep a bit of variety in what you’re painting? I can see both options have their plus points. What do I know of course. That’s why I have you paint my 2mm fellas… 😉


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