Monday 24 July 2023

Commission completed - the movie!

Before packing yesterday I laid everything out for a check through and count up so made a short overview video for the channel. It's also a good way to link Advance the Colours enquiries via Facebook back to the blog link etc. I must admit to a sense of achievement at finishing such a large commission after 9 months of monthly batches. 

This week finishing off the last Pike and Shot sprue and then straight  into Peter Pig ECW's. 

Warlord Epic ACW starter box set plus 5 packs of metal additional command strips.


  1. Good show and a ton of work. The good thing about these Epic are that they are very robust, so should stand up well to the typical postal journey. I’ve always thought of pony wars games being at the skirmish end of things, but 700 figures, wow!

    1. Thanks Norm. The 700 figures are all individually pre based! I'm told that there may possibly be a further 150 or so on foot including civilians etc . Obviously long term project but something completely new to me so looking forward to it, it will see me beyond my pension :)

  2. That’s a lot, lot, lot of figures Lee. 👏👏
    Well done for the sheer perseverance as much as the (usual) first-rate painting.


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