Monday 10 June 2024

Another nice little gift & making river hexes.

I mentioned a few weeks back or so that I had been trying to find some metal Iron Brigade strips with no luck as Warlord seem to have discontinued them. Last week 12 strips arrived from Copenhagen by way of a gift and even the postage was paid! I wasted no time in making a couple more bases of the Black Hat's to add to my previous conversions. This involved a fair bit of cutting with a fine tooth saw and filing etc to make up the command figures. I'm happy with them and brings the Brigade up to full strength of 5 regiments with the addition of the 24th Michigan and the 19th Indiana. They are a perfect match for my conversions.

I'm also making river hexes for the Battle Cry game, very simply just rolling out strips of blue tac then sticking them down with super glue before covering everything with Vallejo Earth Texture. Once dry the river is painted with black and a touch of dark blue before gloss varnishing a couple of thick coats. A touch of Javis flock matches them up to everything else. Cheap and effective I think. Seven so far with more to add along with roads in due course.


  1. Nice looking stuff Lee. Wargaming is soooo much more than just pushing toy soldiers round on a tabletop 😉

    1. Thanks Geoff, and yes I agree 100% :)

  2. Very nice. Just out of interest, where do you get your (MDF?) hexes from?


    1. Thank you Aaron. I buy all of my MDF bases from Warbases as a very fast and reliable service. Link to the hexes which are available in 2mm/3mm MDF or even ply! I use 2mm.


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