Sunday 23 June 2024

2mm and 1/72nd variety & Battle Cry is finished!

I have just painted the first figures from Old John's huge delivery, a box of Strelets US Generals (12 mounted), and the US Cavalry skirmishing box (12 mounted and 14 dismounted). As usual very nice sets full of character. I'll be doing another weeks painting for John before painting another 60 mounted Indians for Mark.

I was going to have a weekend break but plans changed so I decided to paint the 2mm bases that have been in my drawer for months because I was struggling slightly with the tiny scale. With the sun shining in on my painting desk I am taking advantage and cracking on with them and have to say finding it an enjoyable challenge. I should have them all finished by Sunday evening.

Battle Cry project.

Well, it's time to call it done on this. I eventually painted more than required because I was enjoying doing them. You see here the completed armies comprising the follow:

16 bases of infantry per side.(Warlord Epic)

3 bases of cavalry mounted and 3 bases of cavalry dismounted (Kallistra).

3 guns and crews (batteries) per side. (Epic)

3 Generals per side. (Kallistra)

What next?

1 comment:

  1. My 2mm forces arrived safely today. Thanks Lee - as ever, you’ve done a top notch job 👏👏


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