Saturday 8 April 2023

It's Easter and the sun is shining!

Looking forward to a nice Easter roast dinner on Sunday with all the kids and grandkids round as it's been a while since we have all been together. Having a couple of days break from the commission work as it's been hard going recently trying to get as much done for Tony2's Waterloo project whilst keeping up the other Epic scale commitments. In May I might well ease back generally on the Epics and catch up with the other scale stuff I have here, 15mm Peter Pigs for Graham, 2mm's for Geoff, 10mm fantasy for Simon and of course 20mm's for Old John. I thank you all for your patience and ongoing support and only wish that I had two pairs of arms!

Last seven days has seen me painting four regiments of Light Dragoons, the 11th/12th/13th and 1st KGL. Tony will be taking care of all the basing now which frees me up more time to paint. Next are Hussars and Brunswick infantry (from French line) plus the British and French command packs.

I think I might have another DBA bash this morning, Late Carthage v Rome, sticking with the original version of the rules for the time being as I'm happy with them so far. I'm going to finish off the hoplite army, so far 6 bases (below) and also going to do a Spanish army which consists of lots of 'Warband' bases with colourful oval shields. There is something about DBA in this tiny scale that really appeals to me and the Magister Militum ancients range is gradually being expanded.

First 6 elements of Hoplites with some crafty Romans lurking behind them! 3mm.

Have a good Easter break all.


  1. The light dragoons look very impressive massed. We are having a get together on Easter Sunday (tomorrow). This time my daughter is hosting instead of us, but like you, a chance for all the grand children to get together and wear me out :-)

    1. Hope you had a good day Norm as we certainly did if somewhat hectic! The LD's have now been joined by 4 regiments of hussars :)

  2. Perhaps if you DID have two pairs of arms Lee there’d be more money to be made on TV, circuses etc rather than painting wargames figures. I suspect juggling would be (fairly obviously) twice as easy - although you clearly juggle lots of painting projects as it is… 🤣😂
    Enjoy your Sunday lunch tomorrow - that’s our plan too. Have a good ‘un 😎

    1. Cheers Geoff and sorry for the late reply, just been very busy painting!

  3. Have a well deserved break Lee, your ‘epic’ productivity is outstanding I couldn’t keep that pace going for sure. Happy Easter to you all.

    1. Thanks Graham. I'm flagging a bit now, I must admit!

  4. Hope you had a great Sunday mate, the paintings fab as always. Not sure what’d happen if your painting mojo ever dries up?!

    1. Was a great day, 8 of us plus 5 Grandkids for dinner! A much needed morale booster.

  5. Looks like more lovely figures in the pipeline, hope you had fun with your DBA game!
    Best Iain


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