Thursday 5 September 2024

Peter Pig French AWI's & Steel Fist ECW Horse.

Another week flown by and I have been mostly painting the Steel Fist ECW horse packs for Noel as well as adding a few more French to my AWI project and making a bit more terrain. 

I painted the French command base and another infantry base, this one with blue facings which contrasts nicely with the white (Ivory) uniforms. As usual really great sculpts full of character and robust, designed to be played with (see my Steel Fist review below). I have a base of Hessian Grenadiers primed next and have another PP order due today which includes French Light infantry, these will be 8 per base.

Photos: French infantry and command base  advancing across MDF ploughed fields (bad going).

Steel Fist English Civil War 15mm.

I have now painted 50 of the cavalry so far and have a couple of observations to offer on this range. Firstly they are very detailed and historically accurate in terms of clothing style and equipment. Each bag contains 12 figures and I don't think any two sculpts are the same which makes for nicely varied units. The horses are slim and quite 'leggy' and this leads me to my first slightly negative point, they are very easy to bend at the bases and I doubt they would take too much rough handling. The same can be said of the swords which are incredibly thin and bendy! With this in mind they are lovely figures to paint and being based in fives should be OK if handled with care.

Finally for now Rob has sent some photos from a game he played at the weekend with his beautiful Hinchliffe ECW's so these will be posted (with Rob's permission) in the next post as they deserve to be seen by more fellow enthusiast of vintage style soldiers.


  1. The Steel fist ECW figures are some of my favourites

    1. Hi Neil, they are fine figures full of period character. I added a slight touch of superglue to the bottom of the swords as was worried they could break in transit but otherwise great to paint.

  2. Some top painting Lee, from both of the periods!


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