
Sunday, 11 December 2011

Welcome .... so why a 'therapy' project?

I have deleted posts prior to this date as they featured 28mm figures that I began with before I discovered the wonderful world of 6mm! So essentially my blog now starts at the first 6mm test base. I now hope that this will grow into a useful reference for 6mm painters and gamers. Apologies for who were following the 28mm painting, but my wargaming future is now most definitely 6mm!




  1. Watching with interest... and good luck in 2012

  2. It must have taken a great deal of courage to go public with your illness, but admitting that you have a problem is the first step on the road to recovery. The very best of luck to you.

  3. Just discovered this blog.
    Good luck with the project, and your ongoing recovery.
    Congratulations on having the courage to write publicly about your illness.

  4. Just discovered this blog too.

    Well done mate, good decision, good work, lots of encouragement to you. Keep going strong.

    You are absolutely 100% NOT alone in this either !!

    On a side note - away from the painting table, I also find that throwing a leg over a pushbike and going out for a ride with a bunch of new mates opens up a whole new world too. Its like flying, and like being a kid all over again. F*** the TV off, find new friends, eat well, paint well, play well, love well, live well.

    Having things come to a head and finding myself in the bottom of the deepest darkest place imaginable (last year for me) was the best thing ever for me as it finally turns out. Never looking back since :) Having been in that place makes it easier in hindsight to see how I got there, make sense of how it all happened, and know that its avoidable in the future.

    Hope that makes sense, even though every situation is different.

    Looking fwd to seeing your 6mm stuff in action on the table soon !!!

    1. Hi steveoc,

      Just read your comments and it meant a lot to me to read your words :-) Thanks so much for posting here. It's encouraging to read that recovery is possible, and I could tell from your description of the "deepest, darkest place" that you really have been there too. Stay well and I hope you enjoy following my blog, it's great therapy for me!


  5. Just made discovery of the blog a few days ago, will watch with interest.

    Certainly I have also been examining 6mm of late and shall glean new visions from your experience.

    1. Hi Murdock,

      Apologies for not replying to your previous comment. I'm glad you are enjoying this blog, I am only a recently converted 6mm fan myself. Yes, the Baccus infantry strips are 19mm wide, which means I can get 3 x 4 figure strips across a 60x60mm base with just a very slight gap each edge. The castings are very good in my opinion.



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